Polythene & Plastic Products Co LLC

Polythene & Plastic Products Co LLC

Polythene & Plastic Products Co LLC

Polythene & Plastic Products Co LLC is the pioneer in manufacturing plastic related products catering for a diverse market i.e., household, packaging, and the industrial sector, It commenced its operations in 1978 with only a few machines, but soon grew to become leading manufacturer in Sultanate of Oman.


Performance Excellence

At Polythene & Plastic Products Co LLC, we are committed to the development of a culture based on Excellence Plus performance. The Group sets stretching targets in all its operations globally and by applying the four elements of Excellence Plus performance – Client Focus, Innovation, Responsible Behaviour, People Development – it will achieve its vision to be the company of first choice for all stakeholders, able to challenge and change the poor practices synonymous with the construction industry, and compete alongside world-leading businesses.


We Are The Expert

At Polythene & Plastic Products Co LLC, with more than 40 years of experience in this field, we have the necessary expertise to offer a comprehensive service. In every aspect of our products, from quality to choice, we give you our specialised, expert, undivided attention and service.


Responsible Behaviour

At Polythene & Plastic Products Co LLC, we take our duty to act responsibly at all times very seriously through proactively managing the impacts of our activities on the environment, our people and the communities in which we operate. We work according to the guiding principles of our founding shareholders and by complying with the high standards set out in our Global Code of Conduct. In particular, we place the safety of those involved in or affected by our operations as our core organisational value, aiming to eliminate all accidents on our projects. We also take a leading role in driving change across our industry by seeking ways to reduce the effect of our operations on the environment through modernisation of traditional construction methods and practices.


You Have a Reason Just Choose Polythene & Plastic Products Co LLC!

Efficient, Effective, Accurate, Speed. That are our principals when dealing with a client. Our dedicated and professional team works tirelessly to ensure speedy process of order, punctual deliveries, and fast response to any queries.


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