
Star Cool LLC

The company Commenced in 2012 as STAR COOL LLC. We service in total air conditioning and ventilation provider. The company has strived to give the best care that Air Conditioning Company can give for the general public and business. In short Star Cool LLC aims to partake and be part of the success of Omani nation.

We undertake both government and private sector work and have set high standards in meeting the needs and demands of every project.
We have team of Mechanical Engineers / Supervisors / Technicians headed by Mr. Geemon Baby Manager who has over 18 years’ experience in Oman in various prestigious project.

STAR COOL LLC is formed by highly motivated young professionals engineers, supervisors and skilled workmen for exploring new opportunities in the field of air conditioning.

Starcool LLC, we care about your air! Give us a call; We proudly offer our services throughout Oman. With a service for every need from heating, ac repairs, to professional air conditioning installation, let our team help keep your home or business comfortable all year long. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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